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The South Zambia Conference is a growing conference with a number of projects that a initiated and implemented, please take your time to review some of our project and see how you can help to make to conference a better conference for saving God and helping the community....


Project Name: Office Building

Project Location:South Zambia Conference

Estimated Period: 3 years

Estimated Cost: ZMK2,000,000,000.00



South Zambia Conference is the Mother of all Conferences and Fields in Zambia. To this end it is of paramount importance that the Conference Office should be presentable.


Project Name: Farming

Project Location: South Zambia Conference Headquarters

Estimated Period: On going project

Estimated Cost:

 The Conference initiated these projects in order to support other projects in the Conference and help in infrastracture development, enhancing the work of God etc.



Project Name:Haggai Venture

Project Location: All Churches

Estimated Period:

Estimated Cost:

 Zambia Union Conference has initiated a project called the Hagga Venture, this is to give character to the word. This Project is aimed at making the Seventh-day Adventist Church build modern structures in their respective entities. each member of the SDA Church is requested to contribute K10,000.00 for this project quartely.
 [Project Images]  

Project Name:

Project Location:

Estimated Period

Estimated Cost:

 Project Detailed Description
 [Project Images]  

Project Name:

Project Location:

Estimated Period

Estimated Cost:

 Project Detailed Description
All Rights Reserved, South Zambia Conference Of Seventh-Day Adventist